This project is building on the success of W. He, C. R. Donaldson, L. Zhang et al PRL 2017, 119 no. 18, p. 184801, and L. Zhang, C. R. Donaldson et al IEEE Electron Device Letters 2018, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 1077-1080 where short pulse (sub-microsecond) 93GHz gyro-TWA operation was demonstrated. The purpose of this project is to work with the potential vendors to determine the detailed specifications of the power supply that can be used to drive the 93 GHz gyro-TWA at DC operating mode. Following that, the power supply will be ordered through a procurement process. The data set contains the final specifications of the power supply from the procurement process. The file can be open with a PDF reader, for example, the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC from