This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grant number EP/K014307/1 and by the Centre for Defence Enterprise under the contract CDE36521. The data which underpins this paper is subject to a confidentiality agreement with one of the collaborators - as such the data cannot be made openly available. Enquiries about this restriction can be submitted to in the first instance. This data-set contains signals from scaled replicas of ballistic targets with micro-motions acquired in a controlled indoor environment with a 24GHz CW radar. 2 types of target: WARHEAD and DECOY Micro-Motions WARHEAD: PRECESSION (SPINNING and CONICAL ROTATION) and NUTATION DECOY: WOBBLING The micro motions are simulated by Robotic manipulator ST R17 and added rotor (from helicopter scale model) attached to the robotic arm end-factor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Target replica SHAPES and DIMENSIONS: a) CONE (warhead/decoy) height 13.75 cm radius 5.15 cm b) CONE with FINS (warhead) cone height 13.75 cm cone radius 5.15 cm fin height 6.875 cm fin base 2.75 cm c) CYLINDER (decoy) height 13.75 cm radius 5.15 cm d) SPHERE (decoy) radius 6.875 cm e) CYLINDER with FINS (booster) cone height 68.75 cm cone radius 5.15 cm fin height 13.75 cm fin base 6.875 cm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The acquisitions from targets have been made for different value of Azimuth and Elevation angle (considering the Line Of Sight between radar and target and the symmetric axis of target). The format of the files is Wave Sound (.wav) with two audio channels ( in phase/quadrature) which can be easily processed by Matlab. contact: